Apple’s Advice: Skip the Rice and Try These Tips for a Wet iPhone

There’s nothing worse than the sinking feeling of dropping your beloved iPhone into a pool, sink, or worse, the toilet. We’ve all been there, desperately hoping that our precious device will survive the encounter with water. While many of us have heard the old trick of putting a wet iPhone in a bag of rice, Apple is here to tell you that there might be a better way.

Contrary to popular belief, Apple does not recommend using rice as a solution for a wet iPhone. In fact, they provide alternative suggestions that could potentially save your device from water damage. So, let’s dive into Apple’s advice and explore what to do instead of reaching for that bag of rice.

1. Power Off and Disconnect

The first step is to power off your iPhone immediately. This will help prevent any short circuits that could further damage your device. Once it’s powered off, disconnect any cables or accessories that may be attached to it. This will ensure that no power is flowing through the device, reducing the risk of electrical damage.

2. Do Not Plug It In

It may be tempting to plug in your iPhone to see if it still works, but this is a big no-no. Plugging in a wet device can cause additional damage and potentially harm the charging port. So, resist the urge and keep that charger away until your iPhone is completely dry.

3. Gently Wipe and Shake

Now that your iPhone is powered off and disconnected, it’s time to gently wipe off any visible water on the exterior. Use a soft, lint-free cloth to carefully dry the device. Be cautious not to push any water further into the device’s openings, such as the charging port or speaker grilles.

If your iPhone has a SIM card tray, remove it and gently wipe it dry as well. This will help ensure that no water is trapped inside the tray.

Next, give your iPhone a gentle shake to remove any excess water that may be trapped in the ports or crevices. Just be careful not to shake it too vigorously, as this could cause the water to spread and potentially damage internal components.

Absorb Moisture with a Lint-Free Cloth

Instead of reaching for that bag of rice, Apple suggests using a lint-free cloth to absorb moisture. Gently pat dry the exterior of your iPhone, paying close attention to the ports and openings. This method can help remove water without the risk of rice particles getting lodged inside your device.

Avoid Heat Sources

While it may be tempting to speed up the drying process with a hairdryer or other heat sources, Apple advises against it. Exposing your wet iPhone to heat can cause further damage, such as warping the internal components. It’s best to let your device air dry naturally in a cool, dry place.

Patience is Key

Once you’ve followed these steps, it’s time to exercise patience. It’s recommended to wait at least 24 hours before attempting to power on your iPhone. This allows ample time for the device to dry completely and reduces the risk of any residual moisture causing damage.

If, after waiting, your iPhone still doesn’t turn on or exhibits unusual behavior, it’s time to reach out to Apple Support or visit an authorized service provider. They can provide further assistance and assess the extent of any potential damage.

So, the next time your iPhone takes an unexpected dip, remember to skip the rice and follow Apple’s advice. By taking the right steps, you may just save your beloved device from water damage and keep it running smoothly.